Thursday, May 6, 2010

Early adulthood

Naturally shy & reserved among women he likes, Lightside was a late bloomer. Not being more pro-active with the opposite sex earlier in his life is a regret he carries even now. He finally falls in-love for the 1st time with a beautiful young woman way over his league. She had been playing the field for a very long time. He didn't even know there was a game.

During this time, Lightside's father dies. He had died in Lightside's arms. Lightside, his father having failed to form any kind of emotional connection with him, never even shed a tear. Indeed, surrounded by family members, he tried to force one out but to no avail. Apparently, he could cry for his dog when it ran away, but not for his poor dead father. He resigned to fake his sadness all throughout the wake. That night, Lightside would dream of his father apologizing to him for having failed as a parent. Lightside would like to believe that his father's spirit had indeed visited him in his dreams, but Lightside is naturally skeptical.

The death of his father reminds Lightside of his mortality and spurs him to action.

Naive but foolishly determined, he confesses his love for the woman. She doesn't reject him. Instead, she just fades away. She was gone from his life as quickly as she had entered it. No trace was left of her. It was almost as if she was merely a figment of his imagination. But she wasn't. Now, the tears fall.

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